A Resource for Nannies and Families

Feature Articles

What To Pay a Nanny

The Nanny Salary and Benefit Survey, conducted by the International Nanny Association, reported that the average hourly wage among nannies was $17.44. During a 40 hour work week, a nanny would earn $697.60 at that rate… Read more →

Find A Nanny Agency

A good nanny agency can be brand new or decades old, a one-person operation or a thoroughly staffed office. But the basic mission of a nanny agency is to recruit nannies and families, and to match one to the other for a fee… Read more →

Nanny Search

A good nanny agency can be brand new or decades old, a one-person operation or a thoroughly staffed office. But the basic mission of a nanny agency is to recruit nannies and families, and to match one to the other for a fee… Read more →


Feature Articles

Find a Childcare Job

Many different kinds of people think they would like to work in childcare, but not everyone has the same potential to be, or be hired as, a childcare professional. The most likely candidate for a well-paid childcare job.. Read more →

Nanny Pay and Compensation

Compensation for nanny services has changed throughout history as the profession itself has evolved. During the Colonial Era, nannies were female slaves and indentured servants who cared for the children of aristocratic families in large…. Read more →

Checking Nanny References

Written nanny references are a helpful introduction to a candidate’s experience. A seasoned candidate may come to her interview with a dozen or more references, some typed on letterhead, some brief and handwritten… Read more →

What Nannies Do

The basic job is to protect, love, play with, and teach the children in her care, and then to share her insights with you. As for specific activities, depending on how many hours/week a nanny is to work, most parents will want her to engage their children in activities that they’d like to do themselves, some of that being a matter of time, some of it a matter of skills. The other basic of the nanny’s duties is child-related housekeeping. Don’t expect her to become the housekeeper, the maid, the family chauffeur & pet sitter, your personal assistant, or your best friend and confidant. Let her focus on your child.

Where to find your nanny

You can hire with the help of a good agency (the International Nanny Association and the Alliance of Professional Nanny Agencies offer standards for nannies and for agencies), or on your own, or through a nanny training program (the American Council of Nanny Schools sets valuabe standards here). In any and all cases, we urge you to request and check references, to interview thoroughly, and to have a trial run.


You need to know how to pay and manage your employee: Will she work by the hour, day or week? Nanny taxes, benefits, raises, incentives, and perks… Read more


While we use the general term “nanny” to refer to a person who cares for children in the children’s own home, there are subdivisions in the broad group of “nannies” that you will need to know. They depend on the caregiver’s level of training, her duties, the length of her work week, and whether or not…Read more

Recruiting Nanny Candidates

Luck and homework are the major factors in screening. Some families will screen dozens and dozens of applicants, hiring none; others will luck out with the first candidate. How you screen your candidates is part of creating your own luck.


Bargains work in some areas of life, but not for long in this one. If you want to find and keep a good nanny, pay her accordingly… Read more

On the Job

Working with others is hard enough; it’s harder when that person works in your home caring for your children, whether you are there or not. Understanding where the nanny fits into the family is critical, and making a habit of clear, considerate communication… Read more

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